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About Us

Business Conference

What's In Our Name?


Defined: Honor plus dignity. Gallant bravery and strength.


Defined: Abundance of valuable possessions or resources.


Defined: One that shares.

Valor shouldn't only be found on the battlefield. As fiduciaries we have an obligation to protect our clients and challenge anything we feel is not in their best interest.

Wealth is more than money. We strive to enrich our client's lives by addressing the many types of wealth: Self, Relationships, Values, Money, & Knowledge.

Partners refers to everyone we impact to include staff, clients, and businesses. Together we can do great things as we build an amazing organization.

The Reason We Exist

Our clients are the reason we exist and we strive to make their experience exceptional. Valor Wealth Partners was created at the request of previous clients that wished we would support their long-term financial needs of their families. Because of those clients and the trust they bestow in us, we enter into each relationship with a deep sense of responsibility.


When designing Valor Wealth Partners it was clear there needed to be a new way to serve clients. Changes to legislation, technology, and investor behavior paved the way for a new business model that put the client at the center of the process. The traditional models for advisors are centered around what they sell and how much money they can manage.

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An Interview with the Partners

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He is not just an advisor. I'm not just an operational staff or an admin. These people are our families now. Like I honestly can say the clients I've met and I've worked with, I love these clients. Like I look forward to talking to them. I said to Ed, I said, it's the people, the personalities and the relationships.

Amanda Lique, Director of Operations and Partner

Click image to listen to the full interview

Who We Serve

We specialize in providing financial planning advice to mid-career and pre-retiree federal employees. Focusing on federal employees allows us to understand your unique needs and the programs that effect your families. While no two clients are the same, the benefits you share are complex and require advice from a competent team that can understand how they relate to your specific needs.

Are We a Good Fit?

One of our unique aspects is that we aren't trying to work with just anyone. Our ideal client is one where we can build a long-lasting partnership based on mutual trust. The best way to do this is to make sure we are a good match form the beginning.


You will rarely see us wearing suits or speaking in complex technical terms. Instead, we create a comfortable professional atmosphere and have interactive conversations on financial topics.

Are We a Good Fit?
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You'll like us if...

  • You are looking for a partnership built on trust and a team committed to serve your family.

  • You want to feel confident in our knowledge and appreciate timely responses.

  • You desire a team that will focus on your long-term financial dreams and not just your investments.

  • You want a clear understanding of services and transparency of your costs. 

  • You enjoy a fun professional atmosphere.

We'll love you if...

  • You demonstrate a willingness to evolve, change, and improve. This means being open to our recommendations to take you to the next level.

  • You will meet with your financial planner at a minimum of annually to review your financial situation, although we prefer more frequently.

  • You provide us with feedback to make your experience even better. We listen and welcome your input.

  • Actively take advantage of the tools and resources we have available for our clients.

  • You are as excited to work on your financial future as we are.

You won't like us if...

  • You prefer elevator music while waiting on hold instead of a friendly voice answering the phone.

  • You believe competent advice is determined by wearing a flashy suit. We are professional and still approachable.

  • You love jargon and only want to discuss investments. 

  • You want an order taker instead of a fiduciary.

  • You don't like fun.

Blue Smoke

Our Charitable Actions

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We sponsor a team riding in the Pan-Mass Challenge. Our team goal this year is to raise $25,000 for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. 100% of every rider-raised dollar goes directly to Dana-Farber. You can visit our PMC team page to see how we are doing.

We sponsor a team in the Chesapeake & Potomac Softball League.

The Chesapeake & Potomac Softball League (CAPS) is a friendly place for LGBTQ+ people and allies in the greater Washington/Maryland/Virginia metropolitan areas to play softball, learn and/or enhance softball skills and meet new people.

You can visit the Kraken's team page to see how they are doing.

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