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Ongoing Planning

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Our Annual Calendar

Our Annual Calendar (pictured above) focuses on the critical themes many people see on a recurring basis.

By highlighting these 4 topics annually, we tackle the most common concerns before they become a problem.

Taking action is the key to a successful plan. Unfortunately, most people with a plan never execute their vision. Financial Advisor Magazine reported that 70% of clients failed to implement their financial plans. Because of this dismal failure rate, our ongoing financial planning services were designed to exceed the actions of most financial planning firms.

The ongoing financial planning platforms we designed are revolutionizing financial planning by combining exclusive processes with customized strategies to meet clients’ unique needs. In this section, we describe how we can support your long-term needs and the platforms you can choose from. Planning activities are either performed or supervised by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner.

Comprehensive Partnership

Our full-service program provides comfort to clients knowing that our team is available when they need us at no additional cost. You will have unlimited access to our team with a dedicated advisor. If we haven't spoken in a while, we will contact you to schedule a meeting based on your preferences, typically every 4-6 months. We limit the number of clients per advisor so we can build deeper relationships with each client.

Core Membership

Everyone deserves access to premier financial planning, but not everyone wants full-service attention. This platform is best for clients that feel comfortable executing their plan with an annual Financial Plan Review to maximize their potential. If your needs become more complex, we are available for a financial strategy session at an hourly rate.

Both service levels can add extreme value and we want you to be served by the platform that is best for you. We will discuss the differences between these programs while we are creating your Initial Financial Plan. 

If your needs change, you can switch platforms once every 12 months or cancel with a 30-day notice.

Which Platform is Best for You?

Comprehensive Partnership

Core Membership

  1. You desire the level of attention you experienced while developing your plan.
  2. You are concerned about staying accountable causing your goals to be delayed.
  3. You feel comfortable with a higher fixed fee that provides unlimited access to our team.
  4. You value coordination with other professionals at no additional cost.
  5. You want a dedicated financial planner over the long term.
  1. You have time to complete the critical tasks identified to meet your goals.
  2. You want a framework and gentle nudges but can handle the hard work.
  3. You are still deciding on full-service, but want access to planning resources and investment management savings.
  4. You prefer not having a dedicated advisor, at this time.
  5. You are concerned with cost or are unsure we can continue delivering extreme value.


Comprehensive Partnership

Core Membership

Calculated based on the costs to implement your plan.

(See below for an in-depth description)

$600 annually ($50 monthly)

$300 per hour if additional support is needed

Our pricing was designed to be fair and transparent:

  • ​Both platforms are flat annual fees billed monthly

  • You can cancel or change platforms with a 30-day notice

  • Charged in arrears to hold us accountable to a high level of service

Comprehensive Partnership Price Calculator

We created a fee calculator based on the most common needs we see over and over again during the development of financial plans. This calculator generates a consistent and fair fee for our full-service ongoing planning platform.

We evaluate 20 elements during the development of your financial plan. Your personalized fee will be shared before the delivery of your plan so you have plenty of time to ask any questions. Some of those 20 factors are highlighted to the right.

Your fee is reviewed every 2 years to ensure we are charging based on the work we are currently performing.
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Will I keep the same advisor on the Comprehensive Partners Platform?
Yes. We believe strong personal relationships allow us to serve you better. If you choose the Comprehensive Partnership Platform once your Initial Plan is delivered, you will continue to work with that planner.
Am I required to have all meetings on your annual calendar?
Absolutely not. Our annual calendar is to make your life better, not to waste your time. 
Can I hire Valor Wealth Partners one time using your hourly rate?
Unfortunately, no. The best way we found to give the most appropriate answers is through strong personal relationships, which takes time to build.
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